Within my social networks I asked the question what to blog about next and aliens was the most requested. So here we are diving into the topic of alien life outside and on our own planet. Surveys say that more than 65% of the world’s population believes that alien life exists and that we are not alone in the Universe. I believe there are aliens everywhere but for whatever reason we are not made aware of their existence in main stream news, politically, or as a whole from aliens themselves.
I see a lot of YouTube videos about UFOs. But to me the term UFO does not mean aliens. It means there is an object in the sky that is unidentified or does not look like an earth made aircraft. In 1969 we sent men to the moon. It was a big event and everyone was thrilled. In 1969 we had technology to send people into space and successfully land on another object other than our own planet. Some say this never happened and it was all done through the help of Hollywood. I have looked at some of the evidence in these claims and I think we actually did go to the moon because there have been stories from various people involved that there were strange things there and those things were hidden from the public. Such things as strange noises and music from the backside of the moon during radio blackouts and things on the moon that were seen that were not explainable. Footage of the moon landings have been analyzed as well as images of the moon from Earth that show things like monuments, bases, and roads on the moon. My main point here is that we had this technology and it could have been made public for political reasons or to boost American pride. What comes after the moon landings seem a bit off to me. Slowly we retract NASA’s budget over the last 47 years. NASA to me has become just a department that controls what the public is notified of. Over this time period we keep hearing that we want to go to the moon again, we want to go to Mars, but really it is all just a front. I believe that the military has more technology than we know about. The black budget for example. We don’t know where all that money goes. We don’t know the extent of what we could be capable of after 47 years or even longer. Scientists worked on other technologies such as the Philadelphia experiment in the 40’s which was based on time and matter displacement. Are we really going to believe that our aircraft technology is still based on jet engines after 50 plus years? And they may say it is too expensive and they may boost the price tag of our latest jets and rockets to billions of dollars to build. How does one aircraft cost that much? Once you have a new technology it shouldn’t be that hard to make parts for it. Bottom line is we are being lied to. So in my opinion UFO’s could be our own man made aircraft flying around, especially the ones with lights, because why would alien technology need lights on their ships? Do they really rely on sight and light to navigate the cosmos? Do they really want/need to be seen at this time? If anything the beings that control this planet want us to be afraid of aliens. Lots of propaganda in my opinion in the media and movies that leave us to believe we may be invaded at some point. Even some of the popular YouTube videos suggest we should be afraid of what is out there. Some may say the public is not ready to know what is really out there, but that is just because we have been conditioned to fear what is out there. There is nothing to fear in my opinion.
Aliens are good
I believe that the world as we know it is going through some drastic changes. People are waking up and realizing that there is a power greater than any country on this planet that has been manipulating us for thousands of years. I don’t think this is completely bad as this is just something that was meant to be. As I stated in my post about the Universe being perfect everything happens for a reason and in divine order. The beings that control the planet whether they are alien or not are being allowed to control it for a reason. If anything the aliens that are here and out there in space are making sure that the powers that be are kept under control. There have been rumors for years that all of the nuclear bombs have been deactivated by the aliens and there really is no chance of a nuclear war like they want you to believe. To me aliens are just another form of angel among us helping us on our journey through the Universe. They send us good energies and they allow energies to come to us from far away places. I have been skeptical of the notion of chem trails for quite some time. It just doesn’t make sense to me scientifically. So what I have concluded in regard to chem trails is that they may be real but they are not being done to poison us, they are being done to keep the good energy from getting to us from space and aliens are here to make sure that layer of dust does not do what it was intended. So again nothing to fear right? Don’t be afraid.
Different kinds of aliens and what they are doing
For years there have been eyewitness accounts of UFOs or aliens doing things to the planet, observing the planet, and doing things to us individually. One issue that many of us have heard of is abductions. There are of course movies on the subject. Some call these aliens the grays. Most might think that they are doing these things to us without permission and that they are doing experiments on us like we are guinea pigs. From what I have heard from different sources is that something went wrong on their home planet and they became unable to reproduce. So they got permission from other aliens to come to our planet and cross breed humans with their own species so that they would be able to continue their existence. And it is not only permission from our alien angels but also from the souls/higher selves of those that are used in these procedures to help them out. Those that have helped have helped willingly through soul contracts even though in this reality we may see it as violations of our physical and mental existence. I personally have met a woman who claimed that she had alien children living on another planet and that she remembers meeting them at some point and was totally fine with it. This agreement between humans and the grays was only allowed for a certain time frame and it is now over and not happening anymore. I am not sure of the exact time frame but it may have been from the 1950’s to the early 2000’s that this took place. Another race of aliens that is commonly talked about is the reptilians. Yes it sounds straight out of the TV series V but from what I have heard is that they are not a nice race and that they have been here causing havoc among our world for thousands of years. They are technology/mind driven and have lost touch with their hearts over time. They have had bases here. They have tried to control the planet and were asked to leave but they did not and have slowly been eradicated by the good aliens and some humans. These are the two types of aliens I know the most about. There are many others here around us living, observing, and helping us. Even the animals could be aliens, the plants, insects and even rocks/crystals. On the higher level there are dolphins which some say came from another planet to help us raise the vibration of the planet. More on vibration in a later post. Again we have nothing to fear. I love aliens!
Our history
Most of us have seen shows on the history channel called Ancient Aliens and they have all of these scientists claiming that we have been visited in the past as there are ancient texts, monuments, and those that have super powers and have at one time ruled as kings and queens. I think this is all true however I think it goes much deeper. We as humans did not originate here. We came from another star system and have been cross bred with other aliens over time. I am not so sure that we have evolved over the years to the humans we are today. I believe in the fall of Atlantis and that we were once far more advanced than we are today. Humans have far more potential than we realize. We don’t need to rely on machines or technology to help us live better and happy lives. We have all that we need within us. We just need to learn how to use what we were born with, wake it up, and remember. But at the same time we are going through this time for a reason. We are experiencing something unique here on Earth. I look at my own life and there would be no way I could have learned what I have learned if the world wasn’t the way it was. It is amazing to me and a blessing to my soul.
Some more content for you
I subscribe to a few YouTube channels that talk about aliens regularly. Two channels that are totally unrelated recently had something in common and I thought was interesting. This first one is a little bit far out there literally. This guy claims to channel an entity who is part of a galactic council. There are others out there that claim to be channeling alien communications as well. Here is the video which is mainly a guy talking about reptilians and giving a general message. Posted on July 17th. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkYqGmhywsM Look what he says at about 6:15 in the video. He says “look for us in the dusk and early dawn” Then watch this video. Posted July 31st. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ua0WlHUYdTM My interest was not the first part of the video but the second part where there were lights in the sky. There are many videos like this on YouTube with these lights in the sky in the dusk and early dawn time frames all over the world. Also if you are interested in a very fast paced overview of the ancient world this is also a good video that makes a lot of sense to me and there are plenty of sources that talk about different aspects of what is talked about here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swe3EOKCbFI
In closing aliens do exist and in many forms. They are here to help us and keep us on a good path for humanity. I personally believe in reincarnation and that we come back to Earth over and over again depending on the lessons we are supposed to learn. I also believe that some of us have incarnated as aliens on other planets, animals, and other living organisms through out the Universe. When I was young I had a fascination with birds and their ability to fly. I loved the movie superman because he could fly. If I could choose one super power I would want to fly. I have had various readings from psychics and chanellers and one told me my soul is very much attached to an alien race of bird type beings that resided on a particular star system and this resonated with me very much. I am afraid of heights most likely because I don’t have my wings..
Remember there is nothing to fear and we are living in a very exciting time. I hope this blog post finds you well and you take something positive from it.
Live better, be happy, and love all that is!