I was in my Yoga class yesterday and it was time for Shavasana which is my favorite part because you get to lay there with closed eyes and feel the difference in your body after the hard poses. As I lay there the thought of a picture I took a while back came into my mind. It was a tunnel for water with a light at the end showed here. At the time I took the photo(many months ago) I knew I would use it for something in the future and the future is now.
Right after I thought of that picture I started getting phrases of a poem coming through. I was excited because this type of thing is rare for me but also very revealing at the same time. Here is the poem that came to me yesterday.
The Tunnel
I am in the tunnel
It is dark, lonely, cold
There is a light I know I will get to
For now I must sit in darkness
I can’t see anything except for myself
I know I must work on it
I can figure it out
I would rather not
My feet are stuck in the mud
Wanting to run to the light even if it means death
I will die, appearing from the tunnel reborn
A piece of myself will be left behind in the darkness
Where it belongs never to hold me back again
The sun warms my face
Until I reach another tunnel
I am grateful for the great spiral
I think we all have our dark tunnels we go through in life. Some of us have more tunnels than others. Some of us remain in the tunnel for a very long time. I am grateful for the tunnels in my life. I have learned to see the light in every situation. Each lesson brings me to a new plateau on my never ending journey. And it is worth mentioning that you never know if someone is in a tunnel when you talk to them. They may be dealing with something and it may affect the way they perceive the world, and treat others. I would encourage my fellow humans to have empathy and compassion for those that are dealing with their own tunnels. Before confronting others with less than uplifting words remember that you can make a positive difference in someones life just by trying to understand a little more, just by listening, and being empathetic.
Live better, be happy, and love all that is!