At the end of each post I put “Live better, be happy, and love all that is!”. I am going to talk about the last part of this. Love all that is!
All we need is love
Many have said it. Most of us understand what it means. If everyone gave their attention to loving everything around them the world would be a much better place. It would be heaven for sure I think. And again it starts with yourself. If you are not in love with who you are, you can’t love the things outside of yourself. If you don’t love yourself you are going to look for something to fill that void in your life. You may become dependent on something or someone, addicted to something or someone, and easily distracted by something or someone. If we don’t take the time to see the value and worth in ourselves how can we see the worth in someone else? And I am not talking about the people we look up to. I am talking about the people we look down on. We all do it. Something in our lives had to have sparked that way of thinking where you put a certain group of people into a class or mental category. And after years of doing this, it is very hard to remove that label or category. So I challenge you to look at the categories you put people in and let go of what the ego has done out of fear, out of spite, and out of misunderstanding. You can love those who you once declared unworthy of your love. And that is a challenge for myself as well. I am no saint when it comes to judgement of others. It actually amazes me how judgmental I am towards various groups of people. So I am working on that. Sometimes loving all that is also means letting go of anything that keeps you from living a happy and fulfilling life. As tough as that may be it is best for all involved sometimes.
Love has an effect
The vibration of love is very powerful. There have been studies of what the feeling of love has when directed at something. For instance a Japanese researcher by the name of Masaru Emoto took photographs of water being frozen after it had been exposed to either feelings, songs, or photographs and what he found was that the ice crystals were more aligned and geometrical when love and gratitude were present. Basically the ice crystals were more beautiful. The water was actually affected by feelings being directed at it. I believe that plants grow better when they are loved, when they are sung to, and talked to. They will respond. The Universe responds to love in a very profound way. Our world is not ready for love to take over. A lot has to be done that is for sure. But I do believe that humans have had periods where love was very much the center of life. I believe that in ancient times far before the lower vibrations took over there was a time of great happiness. I think this time was before the fall of Atlantis, before the great flood. Humans had a much better sense of the importance of love in everything they did and it showed. There was no need for war. There was no need for material technology to aid them in what they did. Everything flowed and was at harmony with everything else. Love has the power to do that but humanity must be open to it again.
Living in the heart
Being a loving being in this day and age can be difficult with all of the separation, distractions, and power grabbing that goes on in the world. Fear runs rampant nearly everywhere and as I have mentioned in earlier posts fear is the opposite of love. But we can change our feelings by changing our thoughts. Part of that has to do with listening to the heart and letting the heart make decisions instead of the mind/ego. The ego tries to keep us safe through fear. The ego is meant for survival. But living in a state of survival is not living in my opinion. I did an experiment a while back. I forgot who it was that I heard it from. Somewhere on youtube. But this is how it went. As you go about your day you see people, either driving, walking, or riding something. As you see them say in your head “I love you”. If you are in a crowded area then this can be kind of crazy. But I did try this as I would drive to work or while running errands. It is quite amazing how this can change your thought process. When normally you might judge someone, while doing this exercise there is no time for that, and no time for ego to get in the way. You are trying to get everyone, you feel bad if someone slips by, and the love is free flowing. I always feel better after doing this. I feel that in some way I have affected the people that passed me by in a positive way. Try it and let me know how it goes.. This can also be done with things and other beings. Try it with nature, animals, the earth, the sky, the sun, the moon, the ocean, and even inanimate objects like cars and houses. Saying I love you to something really says you are grateful for it for being in your life at that particular moment in time. It also grounds you in the present moment. It is hard to be thinking of the past or future when you are busy loving everything that is..
Love hurts
Living with an open heart can be challenging. Many of us have been hurt or bruised, but we should not let others close our hearts for us. We have the power to put our attention towards things that keep our hearts open. Part of that is loving yourself again.. If you take care of yourself, give your body what it needs, give your mind what it needs, and give your spirit what it needs the outside world will have less of an impact on you. You will be able to keep your heart open and at the forefront of your thinking. The heart will lead and the mind will follow helping you to live your truth no matter what occurs around you. And yes you may tear up more often and you may feel life like never before but that is what being human is. You were meant to experience this existence to the fullest and not be held back. Children at the earlier ages have no problem living in their hearts. They show it, live it, and experience it. Unfortunately society creeps in and the ego then takes over. More on kids in a later post.
But generally speaking we can learn a lot from kids. I know I have and I am very grateful for them.
If you are going to attempt to make a change in the world you need to start first with your own heart. Is your own heart open and are you listening to it? Are you feeling it? Once you have yourself aligned and balanced then you can go out and make a difference because the way you approach the world will be many times more productive if you come at it with love in mind. This world needs love. I don’t see any other way to make positive change without it.
Live better, be happy, and love all that is!