Opportunity Knocks

possibilitesSome say when opportunity knocks you better open the door.  I am going to talk about a different way to see opportunity when it comes by.  It kind of goes hand in hand with gratitude.  You can be thankful for everything every moment of your life.  Opportunity is the same way.  Within every minute of your life you have the choice to see things as opportunities or as something else.  Usually we see situations or circumstances as either bad or good.  We tend to see the good things that happen to us as opportunities more so than the bad. I believe that the bad things are also opportunities to grow and learn from in order to become the best version of myself.

Everything happens for a reason
As I talked about in a previous post on Universal perfection everything happens for a reason.  All the little things that annoy us, or that we might be afraid of, or things that we get forced into are all there to help us learn something from them.  Most of the time we just think of it as bad luck or good luck when things go one way or another.  I believe that we go down a certain path in order to learn things from it and along that path there are many many more things to learn as we live our lives.  It is why we are here.  It is our purpose.

What can we do about it
Take the time to feel the emotions and feelings that come into your mind.  It is really easy to dismiss the bad stuff and just try to get through it.  But if we process our feelings and emotions before they become thoughts we then prevent even more bad stuff from happening.  For example if you get mad because something doesn’t go as you had planned and the frustration starts to take control and you are not thinking straight and you become careless you may accidentally make something else go wrong.  Take a step back and think about why you may have been confronted with the issue.  What did it make you feel, what memories did it bring up, and have you swept this under the rug before?  If you live life in gratitude you will be grateful for the bad things that happen as well.  You will start to see the good in the bad and adjust your thinking accordingly.  There are endless opportunities to grow and learn as the day goes on.  Also make sure to consult your heart about various things that go on in your day to day life.  For me sometimes I can’t process things with my mind.  Either the ego is in the way or past programs that have been en-grained in my subconscious are there causing havoc.  So I ask my heart about it and suddenly I know exactly what I need to do and suddenly the frustration lifts and when the same issue comes around again it doesn’t bother me as much.  That is why it is important to live with an open heart at all times.  Let your heart be vulnerable so that it can help you through the obstacles of life.  It does have answers that your mind just can’t wrap itself around.

Life is a spiral
580562_546436898710659_689164774_nThrough out our natural existence there are spirals all around us.  This may also be referred to as the Fibonacci sequence or the golden mean.  It is no wonder that they can occur in our own lives as well.  Things will come back around to us like the planets in the night sky.  So if you don’t deal with the things that come back around over and over you are sweeping something under the rug and are trying to not deal with it.  Eventually it could end up destroying you.  Your emotional well being is at stake when this happens.  Your life can be out of balance and it is just no fun.  So deal with those issues that come back to you over and over because those are the most important.  And when you do you will notice that greater opportunities will arise in your life.

This past weekend I took my RV trailer out on the open road after sitting for 10 months.  I was nervous that something was going to go wrong the whole time I was driving down to southern California and back.  It was nerve racking to say the least especially since I also live in it and need it not only for taking trips but for survival.  I did notice this and was able to let go of that nervous feeling for the most part.  I was so grateful to get to where I was going and also so grateful to get it back into it’s resting place again.  But I still had thoughts of what if this happens, did I remember everything I needed to do before transporting it, and what if this happens again.  After thinking about this for some time I realized that the Universe had my back.  And it has my back in other things I am attempting to do in life as well.  My heart said just let go and have fun.  Don’t sweat the small stuff especially if it hasn’t even happened yet.  I also believe that I have angels with me all the time.  They know the path I need to be on and they keep me going in the right direction in life.  I trust in my angels and thank them almost daily.  Even when they show me things I don’t want to see it is still a blessing.  Opportunities are everywhere happening all the time.  Be aware of them and do what you need to do to open the door.

Live better, be happy, and love all that is!




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