Trump Wins

changeIt is the day after the election.  I watched CNN on my computer last night to see who would be our next president.  I don’t normally watch TV unless there is a big event including the news.  Most likely a lot of people didn’t sleep well last night, including myself as my mind was turning more than usual at that time of the night.  Overall I think this was the best outcome for humanity in my honest opinion for several reasons and I will outline them below.

If you are a Trump supporter you are excited that your vote actually did something this year.  You have hope that possibly your life will get better because we have someone that seems to be more connected to the working class of the US rather than to the wealthy.  It was clear to me as I watched the map that Clinton was supported by the wealthy.  The wealthy are enjoying life.  They have an economy that is thriving for them.  They do not want anything to change.  Meanwhile we have the other parts of the country who are struggling to make ends meet.  We have people in the big cities who can’t afford to live there.  They commute into work from the poorer sides of town or from entirely different cities.  The government hasn’t shown them that they care about them and they are feeling left behind.  The democratic party once stood for helping people in need and lifting people up.  But I don’t see that anymore.  The government programs that have been put into place to help the poor are not working because the gap between the rich and the poor has widened significantly over the last ten years.  Obama has done nothing to truly help the poor.  He once campaigned for change but the change that was needed for this country never came.  The government is more concerned with taxing, fining, and issuing licenses for basic things rather than ensuring that the people of this country are happy.  I drive for Uber and I see it everyday.  I live in a wealthy area but there are people that are struggling.  They are tired, they are tired of living paycheck to paycheck, and ultimately financially something has to give.  This is why Trump won in my opinion.

There are many dark sides to the country that were illuminated during the election process.  Racist comments, women bashing, and bullying.  I feel this is something that all Americans need to look at and not forget.  There are people that need healing in this country.  Hate is fueled by fear.  So we should know now that we can replace the fear with love.  We should look at who needs some love.  Go give them a hug, invite them to healing events, and talk to them.  We get caught up on who is right and wrong.  We get caught up in what the mainstream media is telling us and believing it.  The media has clearly been supporting Clinton throughout her campaign in my opinion and that means they have used fear to sway people.  I am seeing people on Facebook acting like it is the end of the world.  This is not a time to divide even more than we are.  This is a time to unite and really look at what this country needs to be happy again.  Because we obviously are not happy and it is time for the government to help with our happiness rather than with our contentedness, or even our sadness.  There is a lot of opportunity here to do the right things in our lives as people of this planet.  I am feeling optimistic about the future and everything is going to be OK.

What has been avoided 
Hey guess what?  We may have avoided World War III.  Clinton was very adamant about how she felt about Syria.  She was willing to put more American lives in danger by using force against those opposed to us being involved in the Middle East.  Russia is in the process of bombing ISIS and why would that be a problem for the US?  At least Trump has said he wants to resolve conflicts peacefully.  I don’t believe he wants the possibility for the US to be bombed.  Do the democrats who live in the wealthiest parts of the country not understand that if we were involved in a REAL war that the biggest and wealthiest cities would get hit first?  War is a profit machine for the elite.  Even congress owns stock in weapons companies.  Put another way, killing people makes people more wealthy, and keeps poverty up which in turn maintains control over most of the world.  People that believe that we should be in the Middle East with our military are not understanding what is going on there.  For every terrorist we kill four more are created.  So really we need to leave and terrorism will naturally decline.  If we bring our troops home we will save them from mental distress, and the families of those military personnel will be happier.  Not that this will happen so to speak because we still have a government that is really run by banks, corporations and special interests.  Also it is worth mentioning that with this change in the white house there could be an end to corporate control in this country.  Areas such as farming, energy, environment, health, and education could all be affected in a positive way because hopefully it won’t all be about money.  Our health care should be free, our education should be free, we should have more time at home rather than at work, our food should be healthy and organic, our planet should be protected instead of being destroyed, we should have less debt, we shouldn’t be fined/taxed/licensed for every little thing that we want to do, and we should have clean water.  These things are all related to the overall happiness of the people.  Was Clinton going to address any of these things?

I think it is important to note that Wiki-leaks may have played a role in revealing some of the corruption with our government and the global elite in general.  Of course the Clinton media machine has made up stories that the hackers are backed by Russia and whatever else they said in attempts to bolster their candidate, which by the way is their candidate because the media is owned by the same people that own everything else in this country.  What people fail to see is that the hackers that are presenting documents and information are doing it to let people know what is happening in the world because they are tired of the human race getting taken advantage of in the name of freedom.  You have to put yourself in their shoes, listen to what they are saying, it isn’t evil.

The show
Back when I did watch TV I watched the apprentice for several seasons.  At that time I admired Trump for making good decisions on who to fire and who to keep on the show and ultimately the best person for the job won.  I thought he was smart and most every show gave something back to the community.  A local non profit was supported of some sort in a big way because of the show.  He treated people well and I never saw racist or bigoted remarks on the show.  Trump is an entertainer and I believe (or I am being optimistic) that he calculated the risk in saying things in order to get elected, and it is not necessarily his true self coming through.  I believe his campaign was partly a show in order to get him elected.  We shall see how he deals with certain groups of people now that he has been elected and we can make judgments as things unfold.  I don’t believe he will affect gay rights.  I don’t believe he will build a wall.  And I don’t believe he will be a bully or treat women differently once he is in office.  So everyone needs to relax.  Innocent until proven guilty right?  I for one am giving him the benefit of the doubt.  That is unless he is assassinated, which has been common with any president who doesn’t go along with the global elite.

Light workers
More and more healers and light workers are coming through lately.  There is a reason why they are here.  The world needs healing and unity.  The division in this country is clearly there and it needs to be dealt with in a peaceful and empathetic way.  The stage is set for compassion and love to come through at this time to help those that are suffering and struggling with day to day life.  If you have the ability to help someone today, or this week, or this month, or this year listen to your heart and reach out to those in need.  Stay in your heart and fight off the tendency to be in your mind where fear dwells.  As most light workers know the Earth is also going through changes and is ascending in vibration.  It is causing the people on this planet to see more truth than ever before.  And before we can heal ourselves we must first see what it is that needs healing.  We have an opportunity here while things are out in the open to make a difference in the world and to make it a better place for all.  That is my dream, for everyone to be happy and for that happiness to leak into the dark places of the Earth bringing light to all.

In conclusion I feel optimistic about the future.  I feel that this country can be happy again eventually.  Let us envision what that happiness looks like for all people on Earth and make it so!  I love you all!

Live better, be happy, and love all that is.




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  1. That was just the chill rant I needed.

  2. Pingback: Floating to the surface – The Halls of Seth

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