How to control the planet

John-Lennon-Quote-5In my opinion the planet is controlled by an elite group of individuals.  They may be considered dark and evil.  But times are changing and a new paradigm shift is underway.  People are waking up and can’t stay asleep much longer.  Some people know that the world is messed up and try to fix it the old fashioned way by using force, money, or trying to spread awareness.  Sometimes this may work but overall the powers that be on this planet have had a stronghold on us for a very long time.  Those old ways are not going to work against them.  The only thing that will bring light into the darkness is love.  Many famous people have said it, but not many truly hear them.  I am not necessarily saying this is a bad thing that has happened on the planet.  It was allowed to happen for a reason I believe.  As I stated in my previous post on Universal Perfection, everything happens for a reason.

I don’t pay attention to what happens in the world as much these days because a lot of it is fear based propaganda and it will sway you in the direction they want you to be swayed in.  It is a choice I have made to be a happier person on this planet, allowing my love to cultivate so that it can help in overcoming the darkness.  There are many light workers here now that are helping in this process.  So no worries right?  Along with the troubling things that happen in the world we have our own struggles and issues to deal with.  In order to be one that can go out into the world and change it for the better we must start with ourselves.  Fix yourself and you can fix the world.  Or love yourself and you can love the world..  :)

I have thought about how the darkness controls the planet and I have come up with three major categories that can be broken down into sub categories.  I am sharing this now in hopes that it will shed some light on why things are the way they are in the world.  It makes perfect sense to me and I hope it makes some sense to you.  So the three main categories are knowledge, separation, and energy.  The way I see it, these things are used to control us whether we know it or not.  I have broken these down below.

We either have access to knowledge or we don’t.  If we once had access to knowledge like I believe the ancients did we would be much happier and have much more freedom.  But that access has been removed from our society for some time.  The powers that be have gone to great lengths to limit our access to knowledge that could help us in our daily lives.  Keeping us unhappy is a way to control us.  If we are unhappy we will seek out things that are available to us or that are made to look like they may bring us happiness but they are really just fodder to get us through to the next day.
How do you keep people from true happiness?  Don’t let them think about it.  Give them things to keep them distracted.  Give them entertainment, games, news, propaganda, food, and advertisements.  Technology has emerged that allows us to be distracted.  But where is the technology that helps us be happy?  What used to be delivered by the television is now being delivered by our smart phones and computers.  News apps keep getting installed on my devices without my permission.  I delete them.  I don’t watch the news or the TV anymore as it is just a distraction to my true purpose in life.  This also ties into energy which I will talk about later.  It basically uses up our energy, which time and money is a form of.
If you follow the money in the world you may notice that all of the news networks are owned by bigger corporations.  These corporations likely have an agenda that they want to push out to the public.  They show you what gets you fired up, they show you what helps us get separated, they show you things that make it look like something is being done about it, they show you things you wish you had, but in reality it is all a game for them to help them take your happiness away.
If you think that propaganda can’t exist in the modern world then you are being fooled like they want you to be.  I see it all the time, they will mention a problem we have only for it to be a gateway to add more control to our lives, and the problem never gets solved.
What will make you happy?  This drug, this car, this type of food, this new plastic toy, this game, this form of entertainment.  When in reality none of it will, and will only cause more grief and unhappiness for the masses.
What is the opposite of love?  Fear.  They want you to be afraid of the unknown, they want you to worry, they want you to not sleep good at night.  Don’t let them scare you.  And what happens when you have fear overload?  You become desensitized to what is going on around us.  If I watch the news I am horrified but when I look around I see people that are no longer thinking twice about it because they are so used to it.  It is not a big deal that bombs went off in other countries because it happens all the time right?  Better them than us right?  Because we are separated from them.  We have become programmed.


What is separating us from everyone else?  Quite a lot.  The race we are, the teams we root for, the religion we represent, the political party we support, and what gender one is.  If you fall into any one of these sub categories we find that it is much harder to show love for anyone outside of our own dominion.  And that is what they want.  Try to acknowledge when this might happen and try to change it.  Try to see the other side of it.  We are all human.  Try to notice this more in your daily lives and you will be able to see that it is not all that important to be on one side or the other.  You will begin to be happier about your life and your existence here.  And you will be more capable of showing love to others.  And that is what they don’t want.
martinlutherkingjr-054 (1)This has been a huge issue for thousands of years.  Because they don’t look like me and are different I am afraid of them.  Here is fears head again, apposing love.  And what does the media do?  Focus on how people are different, how hate is out there lurking and ready to get you.  And once again our history books do a great job of separating everyone.  My kids didn’t know that black people were different until the school told them so.  Does that really need to be taught?  If it wasn’t I would say kids would have their own view on race and that view would be more loving in nature than hateful.
Sports teams
Now this may not seem like a big issue but it has its subtleties that I just need to bring up.  The thing about rooting for your team is fine and dandy and all but it also tends to cause separation between certain territories.  People have died because of their affiliation with a certain team.  I think it is ridiculous.  I hear people saying stuff like ram him into the wall, bean him in the head, tackle him so hard he breaks something.  And then there is off the field behavior.  That is not bringing us closer together as humans.  But hey if it separates us then let them have their sports, it is also a distraction.
Here it comes…  One of the main reasons I am not Christian anymore is that there was too much separation.  Gender roles was a big one for me.  The man is the head of the flock, only men can be priests.  Islam is even worse in that regard.  And that is just inside the religion.  When you put the major religions against each other you have holy wars.  Just what they want.  I believe the major religions were created by man long ago as a way to control the planet.  Yes there may have been prophets and even angelic figures but they did not come with the message we now have in the holy books.  Oh look what showed up, some knowledge was written down for us.  How convenient.  And the rest was burned.  I wonder why they wanted to burn everything else.  I have a whole post to write on religion in the future but for now I will just touch on the basics here.  Currently we are dealing with people migrating everywhere.  I wonder why the powers that be are more concerned with refugees rather that the people they supposedly are supposed to protect.  Because they know it will cause more separation within smaller areas.
Some people can’t even be in the same room as others from the apposing side of their political belief.  Come on!  Why have we only had two parties for so long that government has to make policy and procedure based around them?  And the media fuels the fire.  Why are the demographics of those that follow a certain political party so defined?  Why is it so close?  I don’t even believe our vote counts anymore.  The powers that be will place whoever they want in power and there is nothing we can really do about it.  So what is the point.  It is a distraction and frustrates people to no return.  Where is the happiness?  Where is the love?  And if we were to get someone in office that we loved and they started making changes for the better, well then maybe they may not be in office anymore and politicians know it.  JFK paid the price for that one.307277_423887104351507_25802373_n
There are all types of ways to put someone down or judge another to make them look bad.  It happens all the time in our society.  Where do these come from?  Is it really our natural selves doing this?  I think we get a lot of it from the media including movies.  Who owns all that?  Labels that come to mind are hippies, gypsies,  conspiracy theorists, vegetarians, homeless, shamans, psychics, healers, astrologers, and alchemists.  These people are probably the most loving but yet our society has no problem putting them down or making them look crazy.

This category covers the following:  money, time, resources, and health.  All of which in my opinion have to do with our energy.  I think that most people don’t evaluate their energy usage enough.  What were our bodies truly meant for?  I believe our bodies were meant for growth, obtain happiness, and experience the world so that we can understand ourselves better.  Basically to love all that is.  So what gets in the way of that?  Money, time, resources, and our health.
Either you like it or you hate it.  What are we taught to do?  We are taught to go to school, get a job, get married, have kids, and buy things with our money.  Anyways there are a multitude of ways we are controlled by money.  I am sure many of you can think of a couple right off the top of you head.  But I want to talk about the underlying aspects of what money does to us.  We have gone from living in villages and communities to living in a city where we are separated from our families, neighbors, and friends.  Of course we make friends at work but it is different.  In my profession, people are working more than 40 hours a week now, just to get by, not to mention the traffic you sit in to get to your 60 hour a week job.  That is one reason I am opting to exit my profession mid career.  It is just not worth it to me and it doesn’t make me happy.  The government is constantly taking our money away.  We pay taxes on the money we make. we pay taxes on the things we buy, we pay property taxes which I thought if you bought property it was yours, we pay taxes to drive our cars, taxes when we sell things which I thought we already paid taxes when we earned it.  So where does all that money go?  Seems like we are just working to pay off the government and the banks.  Then we buy things on credit which costs us even more money.  Banks earn interest on all of your big purchases because we are too impatient to save our money.  Have to have it now, which just causes a ripple affect on the whole society, which gives the banks more of your money.  And who runs the banks and the government?  The elite do.  Squeezing the happiness right out of you.
Your energy is your time.  Your time is valuable to you.  Don’t let them take it from you.  You will be distracted, you will use it to fight other people, you will use it to be worried and be afraid, and you will buy things you think will make you happy.  There is then less time to love yourself and others.  Just what they want in order to control you.  Lets also not forget about daylight savings time.  How do you lose your connection with the rhythm of the earth and the change of the seasons?  Change the time or go into a different time zone.  Lets force everyone to get jet lag twice a year.
We have become too dependent on resources to keep our lives afloat.  If we don’t have oil what will happen?  We have to go fight for it.  And vice versa, if other countries can’t get oil or natural gas they will turn to other means to get it.  And this invokes fear among us which is the opposite of what?  You should know the theme by now!  There are plenty of alternative ways to make power, power the things we have, etc.  Why aren’t those more available to us?  Because that would give us more power!  They don’t want us to have power, to be independent, or to live a happy life.  People have engineered houses that are fully self contained, but yet we can’t build them because the government says they do not abide by the law.  So we have problems like drought, and before that we had problems keeping the power on.   And the earth is here for us providing for us to live a happy existence.  Are we listening to the earth?  No because we don’t have the time.  Why is it that not many people know about Nikola Tesla?  Because he knew things that could have changed the world.  Could have eliminated the need for money making fuels.maxresdefault
If you think that the FDA is there to keep us healthy you are in for a big surprise.  They would rather see us laying in our beds eating twinkies watching the news and commercials advertising chemicals that have severe side affects than see us healthy, with lots of energy, playing outside enjoying our wonderful planet.  I have learned the hard way but I am more aware now than ever that they are poisoning us and making money off it at the same time.  Our cancer rate must be higher than they really tell us.  We have all known someone who had cancer and it is a horrible thing.  But yet, the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals are bringing in the big bucks and who owns them?  Just follow the money.  There are all kinds of alternative medicines out there that battle these diseases but there is no money in natural medicine.  There is no money in feeding us healthy food so we don’t get sick in the first place.  The reason I stuck health in the category of energy is because if we don’t have good health we are going to be spending our time being sick, and doing research for our family members who are sick, and overall spending our money on things to make us feel better.  It is just another time sink that they would rather you fall into rather than concentrating on your happiness and the love for others.

There are plenty more ways that we are controlled and feel free to comment below for those that come to mind.  This is only from my perspective, I am sure it is different in every corner of the earth unfortunately.

The true answer to our problems in the world is love.  Starting with yourself and spreading outwards.  Be present and acknowledge when you find yourself being separated from anyone or anything else and make a change in your thoughts and habits.  We can break free from the prison we are in.  United in love we can make the world a better place.  You can go ahead and say that I am a conspiracy theorist, but I made sure to include pictures and quotes from famous people that saw the true power that love can have on our planet.  Coincidentally most were assassinated or had unusual deaths.  I wonder what our planet would look like if they were given a chance to live out their lives and continue to affect people in a positive way.  So if I disappear you will know why..  :)

Live better, be happy, and love all that is!




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