The war on chemicals


Today I am talking about chemicals.  More so the ones that interact with us on a physical level.  The ones we ingest, put on ourselves, and the ones that are involuntarily put on us.  When I say chemicals I am talking about high concentrations of compounds that do not exist normally in nature most likely artificially produced by humans.  Now that we have that straight lets dive deeper into the world of chemicals. Personal Experience I have become more and more aware of when there are chemicals around me and how I feel after I have come into contact with chemicals.… Continue reading



The age old question.  I have a few theories on age.  As I grow older I have realized that my perception of age has shifted.  When people older than me said “oh wait until you get old, it is no fun” I used to believe them and would say I don’t want to get old.  But really in a nut shell age is a duality on a different scale.  We can choose to accept it as we have been conditioned to or we can choose to defy the odds by changing our perception of age and see the positive in… Continue reading

My thoughts on nutrition


As I talked about before I was once eating very unhealthy and ended up in the hospital due to severe pain on my side.  The doctors were unable to tell me why I was having this pain as all tests came back normal, but they did tell me I had a fatty liver and I needed to lose weight.  I started researching why I had these digestive issues.  Initially I came to understand that I was gluten intolerant.  I felt horrible after eating any flour and yeast based  products.  I loved donuts but those along with cake and bagels were… Continue reading