The Vegetarian

I have been a vegetarian for almost a year and half.  At first I was doing it to help my digestive system, since meat is somewhat harder to digest at times.  I also wanted to experiment and see what it would do for me.  Well I am happy to report that I am very satisfied with my decision and I am currently working on becoming vegan.Vegetarian-quote-Einstein-660x330

In an energetic sense I had heard that the energy of a slaughtered animal can end up in your body just by consuming it.  I have not noticed any difference in this regard but it is an interesting suggestion and I think that with how everything works this could be true.  You are what you eat, and why can’t it go further than just the material realm.  Some say that our feelings and thoughts are energetically transferred to our body through the cells of our body.  So if a cow is being killed and is afraid at the time, then its cells could have fear within them.  And then we eat that meat and we take on that fear that the animal had experienced.  And based on the law of attraction, your thoughts and feelings attach to your cells and your cells then become receptors for the same vibration throughout the universe.  So if you are feeling fear your cells will now have fear receptors and what you fear could actually happen.  Same goes for the good feelings.  You feel love for things and therefore you attract love into your life.  Also when I ate meat I would feel lethargic and slowed down.  For me I want to be as pure as possible to take on the things in this life.  I don’t need meat bringing me down energetically.

Since becoming vegetarian I have noticed that I have more empathy for animals in general.  I don’t know what that is about but maybe by eating meat there was an unconscious desensitization that was going on about eating animals.  I am more thankful for the animals around me, all animals.  I believe they help us on our journey through life, like angels.  And really there is something wrong when we are totally disgusted if a culture eats cats and dogs but we are ok with eating other animals.  There is really no difference between the various species.  Pigs, chickens, cows, and all sorts of other farm animals can be pets.  They can be loving and develop a bond with humans just as cats and dogs do.   What is also interesting is that I also care more about insects.  I thank them for being around where I live.  Just life in general is something I am more aware of no matter what form it is.  I will capture spiders and take them outside instead of killing them, most of the time..  :)

I don’t believe we were first meat eaters.  I think that meat just became something we ate in emergencies when we may have not had plant based food to eat, but even that seems unreasonable since there is so much plant based food around growing everywhere.  In general I feel better than I ever have.  I have more energy than ever.  I don’t get food coma.  My mental clarity is working just fine although some may disagree..  :)  I make sure I get protein through other sources, even though plant based food does have protein.  But really I am not convinced that protein is all that important as it has been made out to be.  I question everything.  As I stated in my last post about the elite controlling us I think they would rather see us eating meat and being generally unhealthy rather than living a happy and loving life so where does all that information about protein come from?  Who are those scientists working for?  Of course some people just don’t agree with a vegetarian lifestyle.  Some get sick and they need meat in their diet.  So vegetarianism is not for everyone.  In general you have to listen to your body and give it what it asks for.  Kids are interesting because they crave the sugary foods like crazy.  Most of us try not to let kids eat a lot of sugar and of course the processed foods are bad for them but I think there is a reason why they crave it.  Their bodies may need it more as they are developing.  They are better listeners than adults are I think.  I try to have fruits readily available for my kids at all times, and they love fruit.

So these are the reasons I am vegetarian.  Feel free to share or comment below.

Live better, be happy, and love all that is!




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